Sixteen Jackies are an infectious four-piece band going somewhere. For the past two years, they've built a reputation in their home base of Philly and surrounding areas. Presented by PopGun last Thursday at Elsewhere in Brooklyn, Sixteen Jackies played between two formidable bands, Ackerman and Oh Malô.
They played a seven-song set from their new and old EP. On display were catchy instrumental hooks, guitar leads that mimic electro-synth, thick basslines, and drums that float between raw and polished mixed with a little grime. Joey DeMarco's high-range dreamy pop vocals produce a surreal mixup of genres when he adds yelps and unworldly sounds. His campy showmanship was in full gear creating a flirtatious connection as he moved around the stage, singing freaky but substantive lyrics. He delivered them tongue and cheek with a wink / I was in a movie / and the movie was bad /. Especially endearing is when DeMarco thanks the audience between songs.
Sixteen Jackies memorable live sets will bring them back to New York sooner than later, and I'm all in.
Sixteen Jackies:Joey DeMarco (Vox, Guitar), Jeremiah Bull (Guitar, Keys), Ian Staley (Drums, Keys), Tim Davis (Bass)
Label: Born Losers Records